
A Minimal Bot with discord.py

Let’s make a bot which uses local node feature.

It looks like this:

import discord
import discodo

client = discord.Client()
codo = discodo.DPYClient(client)

async def on_ready():
    print(f"I logged in as {client.user} (client.user.id)")

async def sendPlaying(VC, Data):
    await VC.channel.send(f"I'm now playing {Data['source']['title']}")

async def on_message(message):
    if message.author == client.user:

    if message.content.startswith("!join"):
        if not message.author.voice:
            return await message.channel.send("Join the voice channel first.")

        await codo.connect(message.author.voice.channel)

        return await message.channel.send(f"I connected to {message.author.voice.channel.mention}")

    if message.content.startswith("!play"):
        VC = codo.getVC(message.guild, safe=True)

        if not VC:
            return await message.channel.send("Please type `!join` first.")

        if not hasattr(VC, "channel"):
            VC.channel = message.channel

        source = await VC.loadSource(message.content[5:].strip())

        if isinstance(source, list):
            return await message.channel.send(f"{len(source) - 1} songs except {source[0].title} added.")
            return await message.channel.send(f"{source.title} added.")

    if message.content.startswith("!stop"):
        VC = codo.getVC(message.guild, safe=True)

        if not VC:
            return await message.channel.send("I'm not connected to any voice channel now.")

        await VC.destroy()

        return await message.channel.send("I stopped the player and cleaned the queue.")

client.run("your discord bot token here")

Let’s name this file simple_musicbot.py

Assume you know how to use discord.py, and I will explain the discodo code step by step.

  1. We create an instance of DPYClient. This client will manage voice connections to Discord.

  2. After on_ready event, we use the DPYClient.event() decorator to register an event like discord.py . In this case, SOURCE_START will be called when the music starts playing.

  3. When the !join command is excuted, we check if the discord.Message.author is connected to the voice channel. If it is, then we connected to the channel using DPYClient.connect()

  4. When the !play command runs, set the VC.channel to the current message channel to send messages during playback, search for queries and add them to the list.

  5. If the !stop command is excuted, we destroy the voice client via VoiceClient.destroy()

  6. Finally, we set local nodes to be used by not giving host argument to DPYClient.registerNode()

Now that we’ve made a simple music bot, we have to run this. Just as you do when you run a discord.py Bot

$ python simple_musicbot.py

Now you can try playing around with your basic musicbot.