Source code for discodo.utils.status

import os
import threading

import psutil

Process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())

[docs]def getProcessMemory(): """Get process memory usage. the unit is mega bytes. :rtype: int""" return round(Process.memory_info().rss / 1e6)
[docs]def getProcessCpu(): """Get process cpu usage. the unit is percent. :rtype: int""" return Process.cpu_percent()
[docs]def getProcessThreads(): """Get process thread count. :rtype: int""" return threading.active_count()
[docs]def getTotalCpu(): """Get system cpu usage. the unit is percent. :rtype: int""" return psutil.cpu_percent()
[docs]def getMemory(): """Get system memory usage. the unit is mega bytes. :rtype: int""" return round(psutil.virtual_memory().total / 1e6)
[docs]def getCpuCount(): """Get cpu core count. :rtype: int""" return psutil.cpu_count()
[docs]def getNetworkInbound(): """Get network inbound counters. the unit is mega bytes. :rtype: int""" return round(psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_recv / 1e6) # type: ignore
[docs]def getNetworkOutbound(): """Get network outbound counters. the unit is mega bytes. :rtype: int""" return round(psutil.net_io_counters().bytes_sent / 1e6) # type: ignore
[docs]def getStatus(): """Represents all information to dictionary :rtype: dict""" return { "UsedMemory": getProcessMemory(), "TotalMemory": getMemory(), "ProcessLoad": getProcessCpu(), "TotalLoad": getTotalCpu(), "Cores": getCpuCount(), "Threads": getProcessThreads(), "NetworkInbound": getNetworkInbound(), "NetworkOutbound": getNetworkOutbound(), }